Welcome to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) at ISG
What is the IB?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a rigorous educational program for students aged 16 to 19, preparing them for successful university studies and future life. It is designed to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of students. The overarching goal of the IB is to create awareness of the common values and responsibilities that connect us as humans worldwide. The program aims to actively contribute to the creation of a better and more peaceful world. It is recognized and respected worldwide by leading universities.
IB Mission
„The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.“
Excerpt from the IB Mission Statement
Value for students :
1. Global Perspectives
The IB DP transcends local boundaries. Our students have the opportunity to expand their cultural horizons and grow into global citizens. Teachers benefit from the diversity of perspectives offered by the IB program, international training, and a global mindset.
2. Inclusive Community
Aligned with our school values, the IB DP promotes an inclusive and respectful community. Our students create a positive environment where diversity is valued, and everyone is encouraged to share their perspectives and backgrounds.
3. Academic Rigor
Students navigate the world of academia by learning to take responsibility for their own work and by working according to criteria. They acquire skills that prepare them for their further academic endeavors.
4. Community Projects and Social Engagement
The IB DP supports social engagement and community projects. Our students engage sustainably with significant issues such as environmental protection, social justice, digitalization, and holistic education for all. In doing so, we serve not only ourselves but also our society.
5. Innovative and Multilingual Learning Settings
Instruction in the IB DP is predominantly in English and can be supplemented by French as a second foreign language. The immersive learning environment promotes critical exchanges on global issues in the target language.
6. Smooth Transition and Transfer
Transferring to the IB DP from foreign IB schools is seamless due to internationally identical curricula and examinations. Likewise, transferring from ISG to an international IB World School is equally seamless.
The IB DP is offered at our school as an additional qualification parallel to the German Abitur. In grades 11 and 12, students receive instruction following both the German curriculum and IB guidelines. This means they take their Abitur classes at basic and advanced levels (gAn/eAn) and are also taught in English in the subjects of History or Psychology, Mathematics, and a natural science (Physics or Biology) using either immersive instruction or English-language materials.
To obtain the IB Diploma, students must take and successfully complete six classes: German, English (eAn), History or Psychology, Mathematics, and Physics or Biology, as well as a second foreign language (French) or a second social science (History or Psychology). These classes are differentiated into Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). Three classes are chosen at HL and SL, respectively. Additionally, students take Theory of Knowledge (TOK), equivalent to practical philosophy, work on a CAS project (Creativity, Activity, Service), and write an Extended Essay (EE).
At our school, students have the option to take individual classes from the IB DP curriculum and obtain individual certificates.
All IB DP students have access to the Otto-von-Guericke University library and the Kognity learning platform.
IB subjects at ISG

Admission Requirements & Registration
The admission requirements for the IBDP include successfully completing grade 10 and participating in a counseling session in the first semester of grade 10. Good to very good English skills are recommended.
Registration for the counseling session is done via the ISG website.
Enrollment in the IB DP occurs parallel to the selection of upper-level courses in the second semester of 10th grade.
Financial Information
Students in the IB DP pay a monthly fee covering the final examinations as well as the use of learning programs and materials.
Further Information & Contact:
For further information, please contact the IB DP team Dr. Antje Schwan, Katja Behrend, and Sören Osterland at IBDP@stiftungsschulen.de or the IBO website www.ibo.org.
Promote collective growth in a diverse, positive community!
Your donation supports:
- The initiation of projects
- The funding of trainings
- The promotion of team activities
- Access to the IB DP for financially disadvantaged students
The following five policies serve as guidelines for the succesful implementation of the IB DP: